Actress and mother of two, Tia Mowry, recently took to TikTok to share a hilarious video of her attempting to use Gen-Z slang with her 13-year-old son, Cree. In the video, Tia can be seen trying out phrases like “ship” and “tea,” only to be met with eye rolls and cringes from Cree.
It’s clear that Tia’s attempt at speaking the language of Generation Z didn’t quite go as planned, as Cree can be heard saying, “Mom, you’re embarrassing me” in the background. Despite her son’s embarrassment, Tia continues to try out different phrases in an effort to connect with her teenage son.
As a busy actress and mom, Tia’s willingness to try new things and engage with her son in this way is truly heartwarming. It’s clear that she values her relationship with Cree and isn’t afraid to make a fool of herself in the name of bonding with her son.
Ultimately, Tia’s video serves as a reminder that parents are not always going to be cool in the eyes of their teenagers, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t try. Tia’s willingness to put herself out there and make her son cringe is a testament to her dedication to being the best mom she can be.
Fans of Tia Mowry and followers of her TikTok account are sure to get a kick out of this fun and relatable video. Who knew trying to speak Gen-Z slang could be so cringeworthy?
Watch the video by Entertainment Tonight
Video “Tia Mowry Makes Son Cree CRINGE Over FAILING at Gen-Z Slang!” was uploaded on 08/01/2024 to Youtube Channel Entertainment Tonight
I can't blame Cree. Tia be doing some corny and cringey ish. Her pink side stays showing. I guess she can't help it.
What’s the “skippity toilet” 😂