Tourist Comes to the Rescue: Saving Unconscious Man From NYC Subway Tracks – Video

Tourist Comes to the Rescue: Saving Unconscious Man From NYC Subway Tracks – Video

The video titled “Tourist Helps Rescue Unconscious Man From NYC Subway Tracks” captures a heartwarming act of bravery and compassion in the bustling city of New York. In a daring move, two strangers jumped onto the subway tracks to save a man who had fallen unconscious off the platform.

One of the heroes in this situation was Jordan Cannon, a tourist visiting from Las Vegas. Without a second thought, Cannon risked his own safety to help a fellow human in need. After ensuring that the man was out of harm’s way, Cannon quickly returned to the platform and continued waiting for his train.

What makes Cannon’s actions even more remarkable is the fact that he was not fully aware of the dangers associated with walking over the third rail multiple times. His selfless act of courage serves as a reminder of the power of kindness and the willingness to help others, even in the face of danger.

This video is a true testament to the importance of looking out for one another and being willing to lend a helping hand, no matter the circumstances. Jordan Cannon’s quick thinking and bravery undoubtedly saved a life that day, and his actions are an inspiration to us all.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “Tourist Helps Rescue Unconscious Man From NYC Subway Tracks” was uploaded on 06/15/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition