In the highly anticipated film “28 Years Later,” audiences are transported into a post-apocalyptic world where humanity is on the brink of extinction. Cillian Murphy stars as a survivor who awakens from a coma to find that 28 years have passed since a deadly virus swept the planet, leaving only a fraction of the population alive. As he navigates this desolate and dangerous new world, he must confront not only the sinister creatures that now roam the earth, but also the harsh realities of human nature.
In this gripping trailer, viewers are given a glimpse of the intense action and heart-pounding suspense that awaits them in this thrilling sci-fi thriller. With stunning visuals and a haunting score, “28 Years Later” promises to be a film that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Don’t miss out on this adrenaline-fueled ride when it hits theaters on June 20, 2025. Subscribe now for all the latest updates on this must-see movie event.
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Video “28 YEARS LATER Trailer (2025)” was uploaded on 12/10/2024 to Youtube Channel
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