Travel Advisory 2024: Assessing the Safety of Puerto Rico

Travel Advisory 2024: Assessing the Safety of Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico, an island paradise in the Caribbean, is renowned for its rich cultural tapestry, breathtaking beaches, and verdant rainforests, attracting visitors from around the globe.

Ensuring a safe and pleasurable experience is crucial in any travel destination, and Puerto Rico is no exception. While generally considered a safe locale for tourists, visitors need to be cognizant of certain areas to avoid and stay alert to minor crimes.

LATEST UPDATES / NEWS from Puerto Rico

January 12 – Global Growth promotes Puerto Rico’s increase in Air travelers 

The island has succeeded in creating a new market for foreign visitors, which increased dramatically in the previous year. 

12.197 million people traveled through San Juan in 2023, according to data from ASUR, the organization in charge of running the main airport on the island. 

This is the result of years of work by the Puerto Rico Tourism Company, as well as new and extended routes on airlines such as Avianca of Colombia and Iberia of Spain, as well as ongoing expansion of luxury carrier Tradewind Aviation. Tradewind Aviation operates out of San Juan and offers routes throughout the Caribbean.

Is Puerto Rico safe for travelers? – Local advise

With a lower crime rate than many other US regions, Puerto Rico is regarded as a reasonably safe destination for tourists. It is notable for being among the Caribbean’s safest islands. Most violent gun crimes in Puerto Rico are associated with gang activity and drug trafficking; these crimes usually do not affect tourists.

Pickpocketing and robbery are the most frequent crimes in Puerto Rico. You can avoid these by not leaving valuables visible in your car, storing important documents in a safe at your hotel, avoiding wearing expensive jewelry, and visiting beaches and tourist destinations during the day.

Safety tips for traveling to Puerto Rico

  • Inform others about your whereabouts, activities, and accommodation plans.
  • Dress discreetly to avoid attracting unwarranted attention.
  • Consult locals for recommendations on activities, destinations, and places to eat or drink to discover the best spots in Puerto Rico.
  • Exercise caution with alcohol and refrain from accepting drinks from strangers to minimize the risk of drink-spiking.
  • Be selective about sharing trip details, marital status, or personal information with strangers. Maintain a friendly yet cautious demeanor.
  • In case…

Read full article: Is Puerto Rico Safe? Travel Advisory 2024

The post “Is Puerto Rico Safe? Travel Advisory 2024” by Maria Valencia was published on 01/12/2024 by