“Trigger Happy” is a thrilling new film set to hit screens in 2025, exploring the interconnected dreams of two individuals, George and Annie Decker. George yearns to escape his mundane life and head to the Bahamas, but in order to do so, he must first navigate his crumbling marriage, overwhelming debts, soul-crushing job, and the suffocating grip of American society. Meanwhile, Annie is consumed with the ambition of landing the lead role in a popular infomercial for the “WOW! Sponge,” a coveted position on the most-watched television program in the nation.
The trailer sets the stage for a twisted and suspenseful journey as the Deckers grapple with their desires and the lengths they are willing to go to achieve them. As the tension mounts and the stakes escalate, viewers are drawn into a world of deception, betrayal, and dark secrets that threaten to unravel their lives.
The cast of “Trigger Happy” is led by a talented ensemble of actors who bring depth and complexity to their characters, portraying the raw emotions and moral dilemmas faced by George and Annie. The film is helmed by a visionary director who expertly captures the suspense and intrigue of the plot, while the writing delves into the psychological depths of the human condition, exploring the consequences of chasing one’s dreams at any cost.
As the film unfolds, audiences will be on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the twists and turns that lie ahead. “Trigger Happy” promises to be a thrilling cinematic experience that will leave viewers questioning the lengths they would go to in pursuit of their own desires.
Watch the video by Rapid Trailer
Video “TRIGGER HAPPY Official Trailer (2025) Thriller Movie HD” was uploaded on 12/17/2024 to Youtube Channel Rapid Trailer
I'm depressed just watching the trailer.
Do Asian girls even marry their own Asian guys anymore? Just wondering. It's like the minute they're born the parents put a sign in front of them 'Bring home white boy!' Lols.
Oh. For a second I thought someone stole my idea for a school sh0oter drama movie that was from the perspective of everyone except the sho0ter, set in the days leading up to the actual event but never showing it, ending with weird Al yankovic's trigger Happy playing over the end credits.
I don't think I can unsee this.