UN report exposes the severity of hunger crisis in Gaza | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

UN report exposes the severity of hunger crisis in Gaza | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

A new UN report has uncovered the alarming extent of the forced hunger crisis in Gaza, where four children have tragically starved to death this week alone. The report points to Israel’s ongoing war as the root cause of this dire situation, highlighting the devastating impact it has had on the civilian population.

The findings shed light on the harsh reality facing many families in Gaza, where access to food and basic necessities has been severely limited. With the blockade imposed by Israel, residents are struggling to survive, leading to a heartbreaking rise in malnutrition and starvation.

This report serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for international attention and action to address the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza. The deaths of these children are a tragic consequence of the ongoing conflict, underscoring the need for a sustainable solution to bring relief to the people of Gaza.

As the international community grapples with this latest revelation, the plight of the people of Gaza must not be forgotten. It is imperative that steps are taken to alleviate the suffering and provide essential aid to those in need. The world cannot turn a blind eye to the forced hunger crisis that is ravaging Gaza.

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Video “Extent of forced hunger crisis in Gaza revealed in UN report | Al Jazeera Newsfeed” was uploaded on 06/25/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English