Uncovering the Untold Stories: 15 Preserved Photos of the Titanic Before It Sank – Video

Uncovering the Untold Stories: 15 Preserved Photos of the Titanic Before It Sank – Video

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The photograph shows a six-year-old boy named Robert Douglas speden joyfully engaged in spinning his top while his father and other passengers observe the scene but what befell this young boy well he was fast asleep when the Titanic collided with the iceberg amidst the chaos of the sinking he briefly awoke as

His nurse Elizabeth Burns assured him that she would take him on a trip to see the stars Robert is said to have drifted back to sleep unaware of the unfolding tragedy when he eventually awoke the following morning he found himself in a Lifeboat having survived the calamity

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Video “15 Preserved Photos of the Titanic Before It Sank Unveiling the Untold Stories” was uploaded on 02/29/2024 to Youtube Channel The Ultimate Discovery