Unknown Benefactor Clears ,000 Electricity Debt for Isolated Ontario Elderly Person

Unknown Benefactor Clears $1,000 Electricity Debt for Isolated Ontario Elderly Person

A heartwarming act of kindness has brought relief to a struggling senior in Toronto. Maxine Stirling Dawe, a 74-year-old retiree, had been living without electricity for more than two months in her one-bedroom apartment. The situation became even more dire during a heat wave, leaving Stirling Dawe without the ability to make toast, turn on lights, or power a fan or air conditioner.

Stirling Dawe had fallen behind on her Toronto Hydro bill after supporting a son with special needs. Despite receiving a disconnection notice in April, her service was cut off in early May. However, a compassionate viewer of Global News, who wished to remain anonymous, stepped in to help. After learning about Stirling Dawe’s situation, the viewer reached out to a reporter and offered to pay the $1,000 bill to have the senior’s electricity restored.

Thanks to this anonymous donor’s generosity, Stirling Dawe was able to have her power turned back on and regain a sense of comfort and safety in her home. This heartwarming gesture serves as a reminder of the impact that small acts of kindness can have on those in need.

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Video “Anonymous donor pays $1K power bill for disconnected Ontario senior” was uploaded on 07/12/2024 to Youtube Channel Global News