Vladimir Putin arrives in North Korea ahead of talks with Kim Jong-un

Vladimir Putin arrives in North Korea ahead of talks with Kim Jong-un

Russian President Vladimir Putin has made a historic visit to North Korea, marking his first trip to the secretive state in 24 years. Upon his arrival, Putin was greeted with a red-carpet welcome by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. The two leaders engaged in animated discussions, flanked by a military guard of honor.

This meeting comes on the heels of their last encounter in September at the Vostochny cosmodrome. The visit highlights the growing relationship between Russia and North Korea, as Putin becomes the first Russian leader to visit Pyongyang since 2000.

The talks between Putin and Kim are anticipated to cover a range of topics including denuclearization, regional security, and economic cooperation. The highly anticipated meeting holds significant implications for the region and the world at large.

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Video “Vladimir Putin arrives in North Korea ahead of talks with Kim Jong-un | BBC News” was uploaded on 06/18/2024 to Youtube Channel BBC News