We found her owners, and we were surprised by their response!
Have you ever found a lost pet and went above and beyond to reunite them with their owners, only to receive an unexpected reaction? In this heartwarming video, we follow the journey of a group of kind-hearted individuals who found a lost dog and took it upon themselves to locate its owners. After finally making contact with the owners, they were surprised by their response. Rather than being grateful for the safe return of their beloved pet, the owners displayed a shocking lack of concern for the dog’s well-being. This video serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible pet ownership and the power of compassion in our communities. Watch as these good Samaritans navigate through this emotional rollercoaster and learn valuable lessons along the way.
Watch the video by Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel
Video “We found her owners, and we were surprised by their response!” was uploaded on 03/05/2025 to Youtube Channel Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel
She is a happy, bouncy little girl. If I adopted her, I would consider getting her involved in agility training. She looks like she would be great at it!
The owners should be prosecuted and have a lifetime ban owning or working with animals Roxie is better off they didn't deserve her Hoping she will find a good Family that will give her loving care Thanks HFP for this valuable rescue
that's the kind of dog that's so awesome the public doesn't even get a chance to adopt her. someone at the shelter takes her.
That's so sad. She seems friendly even with strangers, well trained or at least adapted to cars, and responds to instructions. I can't imagine training and raising a dog, putting time into years of care, just to say nope without good reason (allergies, homelessness, etc..). Well I hope she finds a new more AMAZING home!
While I agree that the former owners don't deserve her and just letting her go is careless, this dog was found near the fire area and previously was definitely well cared for. I rather think the owners were too embarrassed to say why they don't want her back, it felt like a very strange and disconnected thing to say and felt like an excuse to me, maybe they lost their home in the fire and wanted to keep this private and now they're in a situation that disallows for a dog in their life.
I won't defend them for their lack of action but I wouldn't just throw them into purgatory for an eternity either as we only know one side of the story.
Unfortunately, this can be seen all over the world. An example from Germany: the owners' cat became ill and they didn't want to spend any money. So they took the cat to an animal shelter.
Unfortunately, you still have to be grateful to these people that they gave the animal away and didn't just abandon it somewhere. There are such terrible people who exploit the loyalty and love of an animal in such a terrible way. Even if karma (most certainly) hits these people at some point, it doesn't help the animal at that moment.
Just as bad are people who leave their animals alone on their final journey. It happens so often – it's just cruel.
What a beauty <3
Shameful! I can't understand people who just release pets when they no longer want them or are able to care for them. Unconscionable!!! Never allow these folks to ever have pets of any kind!
the fact that the owners didn't want her back just shows that this girl didn't have a good life with them to begin with and she will be much better off from now on. God bless you for all you do!
I so fail to understand why people do this! Personally I have 3 cats and a rescue dog. They are my family! You don't just say 'Oh, I don't want my family anymore" and throw them away! I'm so glad that Roxie was found and taken care of by you guys! Did the people who didn't want her anymore tell you her name, age, anything? Because that would be so useful to know for her new family.I hope she will very soon have one too!
Dogs deserve good owners. But not every owner deserves a dog.
Good girl! Bad previous owners.
Once again disappointed by the total lack of nuance in the Hope for Paws comment section. It is NOT evil to have your dog rehomed. And she was rescued from a fire area for fuck's sake! For all you know, her owners didn't take her back because they're affected by the fires and can't take the financial burden of a dog on top of what they're already dealing with. Stop judging people for making the decision that they can't give their pet the home they deserve anymore. It can happen to anyone, and you don't know what someone's situation is.
Die Besitzer wollten sie nicht mehr 🤬🤬🤬 denen gehört nie mehr ein Tier! Unfassbar was es für schlechte Menschen gibt 😔😢 ich hoffe, diese wundervolle Seele findet ein liebevolles FürimmerZuhause 🙏❤️🐾🍀 danke euch von Herzen, für alles was ihr tut ❤️🐾❤️
😢😢😢😢 very sad that someone would give up a gift from God
She would fit in perfectly with my 3 labs… but I live in Indiana. boo
We don't deserve dogs 🙁
How could anyone just say, they don’t want their dog anymore 😡
I have no time for people who don't have time for their animals. I 'm sure she'll get a much better home than what she had. 🥰😍❤
Looks like my Molly
What a good girl, she’s such a beautiful dog, I wish she finds a perfect home for her.
Roxie was the name of my first personal dog, we had a 'family' dog growing up but I wanted my own dog and begged for years and years, proved myself by basically taking on the care of the family dog on my own (I was about 8 or 9) so my parents let me adopt a puppy from the shelter. I named her Roxie and she was hands down one of the best dogs I've ever known, let alone owned. She was so smart and gentle and loyal, I had her her entire life until she finally passed away at 14 years old, retired at my in-laws place in the country still trying to chase deer (I was living in an apartment in my early 20s at the time, she hated it so they kept her for me but I visited often). Here's hoping this Roxie has a long and happy life too!
People who abandon their family member to the streets are not good people.
She’s lovely,can’t believe they didn’t want her back,hope she gets a much better home and owners
God bless you Eldad for all you do. I pray she finds a great home.
How could you not want her ? She beautiful ❤
She is so happy, No looking back, all that matters now is the present.❤
What a gorgeous girl 🩷🩷
God Bless her and all of you who helped her.
Wow how could they not want her anymore 😢 jerks. She's beautiful, playful, healthy. They don't deserve to own any animal!
Shame on those owners. They probably would get rid of a baby too. She’s a beautiful dog.❤
Needs to be a Law that if you just abandon a Pet then
your Barred from every having or owing another animal.
Roxie is now on the Best Journey of her Life, go Girl, Go !
❤❤ Beautiful Roxie❤❤
Well they didn't deserve her in the first place she is so lovely better off without them😢
The previous owner don't DESERVE her, so someone much nicer will get to enjoy her.
Thanks you very much Hope for paws is very good so much 🙏❤️❤️🐕🐾 so cute very much ❤️🐕🐾🐈🐕🐾
God bless & more power to the team
The owners can go to HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God bless ya’ll for all that you do for these fur babies! I especially loved seeing at the end of the video how excited & happy she is. Any family will be blessed to have her ❤
I do not understand, if you have a dog and do not want that dog anymore, go to a shelter with that dog cat or other animal and leave it in safe hands. Shame of you all owners who does this🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Sick awful ppl to have turned away from their responsibility to care and love this adorable fur baby for her ENTIRE LIFE!! Special place in hell for ppl like that!
Wonderful pup ❤
I will never understand why you can just give a family member away like that, and a dog is a family member.😠