Welcome to your new Earth. A world where the sky is no longer blue but a thick yellowish haze. A deep breath is no longer refreshing but, instead, will suffocate you. And the ground beneath your feet is so hot that it’s melting your shoes.
Earth’s atmosphere has transformed into the conditions of our planetary neighbor and so-called evil twin, Venus. At a distance of 108 million km (67 million mi) from the Sun, Venus is the second closest planet to the Sun in our Solar System. So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the planet of love is a broiling hot inferno.
On its surface, temperatures soar beyond 460 °C (870 °F), and the atmosphere is dense with carbon dioxide and clouds of sulfuric acid. This would make it feel like you’re living approximately 900 m (3,000 ft) underwater. But astronomers suggest things weren’t always this way. A long time ago, Venus might have had a climate not so different from our own.
But those days are long gone. Over time, the planet’s atmosphere built up excessive amounts of CO2 and other gases, trapping heat from the Sun and paving the way for a runaway greenhouse effect. Now, the planet has essentially become an apocalyptic wasteland. This catastrophic endgame of global warming for Venus serves as a cautionary tale for Earth.
If Earth were to suddenly have an atmosphere like Venus, the consequences would be dire. The temperature would jump by several hundred degrees, making the planet completely inhospitable. Oceans, lakes, and rivers would boil away, leaving only scorched landscapes behind. The relentless heat and pressure would warp buildings and melt glass.
Survival in this extreme environment would require underground shelters to protect against the intense heat and pressure. Life on the surface would virtually vanish, leaving behind a desolate world devoid of its former beauty. This scenario serves as a stark reminder of the importance of addressing climate change and preserving our planet for future generations.
As the Earth continues to warm, it is crucial that we take action to mitigate the effects of global warming and prevent a future where Earth resembles the inhospitable conditions of Venus. Only through collective effort and sustainable practices can we ensure a livable future for all species on our planet. Let’s learn from Venus’s fate and work towards a better tomorrow for Earth and all its inhabitants.
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Video Transcript
Welcome to your new Earth. A world where the sky is no longer blue but a thick yellowish haze. A deep breath is no longer refreshing but, instead, will suffocate you. And the ground beneath your feet is so hot that it’s melting your shoes. No, this isn’t a nightmare you can snap out of.
Earth’s atmosphere has transformed into the conditions of our planetary neighbor and so-called evil twin, Venus. This is WHAT IF, and here’s what would happen At a distance of 108 million km (67 million mi) from the Sun, Venus is the second closest planet to the Sun in our Solar System. So it shouldn’t
Come as a surprise that the planet of love is a broiling hot inferno. On its surface, temperatures soar beyond 460 °C (870 °F). And the atmosphere is dense with carbon dioxide and clouds of sulfuric acid, causing Venus to have a surface pressure nearly 100 times that of Earth. This would make it
Feel like you’re living approximately 900 m (3,000 ft) underwater. But astronomers suggest things weren’t always this way. A long time ago, Venus might have had a climate not so different from our own. There might even have been oceans. Yeah, you heard that right. Big, watery oceans. But those days are long gone.
Over time, the planet’s atmosphere built up excessive amounts of CO2 and other gases, trapping heat from the Sun and paving the way for a runaway greenhouse effect. Now, the planet has essentially become an apocalyptic wasteland. This was the catastrophic endgame of global warming for Venus. There was so much heat trapped
That the surface temperature just kept rising. Any and all water in the planet’s ancient oceans would have boiled away, leaving nothing but a scorched hellscape. Now, it’s happening here on Earth, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Before we get to that, let’s take a quick second to
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To get 20% off the best underwear of your life use my discount code WHATIF20. Just go to sheathunderwear.com and use promo code WHATIF20 for 20% off your order. Earth’s average global temperature is approximately 15 °C (59 °F). So, assuming this atmospheric transformation happened overnight, from one day to the next,
The temperature would jump by several hundred degrees. I don’t understand how you slept through that. Now, in reality, it’s impossible for this transformation to happen in an instant, but that’s the nightmare, you’ve woken up to. And you’d better be ready to act fast if you want to have any chance of surviving.
As I mentioned before, the temperatures wouldn’t be the only lethal ingredient in the air. You wouldn’t be able to breathe. The atmosphere would be comprised mostly of carbon dioxide and clouds of sulfuric acid. Hopefully, you’ve got some sort of gas mask on hand. That’s because, with each breath,
You’d risk getting severe chemical burns to your internal tissues. And we haven’t even gotten to the crushing pressure of the atmosphere around you. I hate to break it to you, but you’d likely get crushed to death before you even experienced the temperature. But today would be the luckiest day
Of your entire life. Yeah, like an expert What if fan. You’d be prepared for anything with a highly advanced protective suit right next to your bed. Putting this on, you’d be safe from the heat and the intense pressure and well equipped with a breathable supply of oxygen. Hopefully, your friends and family
Did the same because if you left your house to check out what kind of effect the atmosphere is having on the planet, get ready for some apocalyptic sights. The once-clear blue sky would now be a thick, oppressive canvas of yellow with massive clouds of sulfuric acid. Even though they’d block out
Most of the Sun, well, this wouldn’t do anything to mitigate the oven-like conditions on the ground. If you have a well-landscaped front lawn and a garden, well, you can kiss that goodbye. Even the trees lining your street, once green and full of life, would crumble at your touch.
And it would be like this everywhere. Forests, which used to be the lungs of our planet, would be reduced to desolate landscapes of blackened tree skeletons. Birds would fall out of the sky, land animals would gasp their last breaths, and even fish would bubble out of the sea.
Bodies of water all over the planet would be at their boiling point. This would make for a devastating image of the future. And believe me when I say be prepared for nothing to get better anytime soon. Or ever. If Earth’s atmosphere were to stay like this, over time, you’d watch the planet transform
Into being completely inhospitable. Oceans, lakes, and rivers would continue to boil until they were bone-dry, leaving only the skeletons of the sea creatures that once populated them. And with enough time, even the things that used to symbolize humanity’s achievements would become grotesque sculptures of what they once were. The relentless heat and pressure
Would warp buildings and melt glass. Bridges would collapse into the empty riverbeds they used to span. Roads would become cracked and undrivable. Not that you’d be able to manage to get far in a vehicle anyway. Your car would be subject to the same conditions. There’s a good chance
Your tires would just melt away right underneath you. Your only chance of survival in this particularly unforgiving atmosphere would be to head underground. You and whoever else has survived this disastrous event would need to build subterranean shelters in the planet’s crust. These underground habitats would need to protect you from the heat above,
But more importantly, recreate the breathable atmosphere With the right design, you might even power them entirely by harnessing geothermal energy from the planet’s core. But other than the humans and other animal species we’d save by bringing them into these shelters, life would effectively vanish off the surface of the planet.
Earth, as we knew it, would be gone forever. And there’d be little hope of getting it back. I mean, look at Venus. Do you think we’ll be living there anytime soon? Scientists think the only chance of us living on that planet would be to build above it
And live in air balloons in the sky. Could we do that on Earth? Well, in theory, yeah but this scenario happened too fast for us to be able to react in time. what’s really terrifying here is the fact that Venus used to be a planet with a comfortable atmosphere
That was full of water. With Earth getting warmer and warmer each year, are we on a crash course to become just like this terrifying death planet? Well, obviously, we won’t be exactly like Venus for a number of reasons. One of the main ones is that we’re too far away from the Sun
To reach temperatures of over 460 °C (870 °F). But that’s not to say that Earth won’t become uninhabitable as it heats up. Humans, animals, and every other species of wildlife will need to find new ways to live on this big blue marble. And maybe climate change, forest fires, pollution, and overall conditions
Will just get so bad for us humans that we’ll be forced to leave Earth. But that sounds like a story for another WHAT IF.
Video “What If Earth Had Atmosphere Like Venus?” was uploaded on 03/30/2024 to Youtube Channel What If

The post “What If Earth’s Atmosphere Were Like Venus’? – Video ” by GretAi was published on 03/31/2024 by news.gretai.com