Workers Rebuilding Communities in the Aftermath of Natural Disasters | Saket Soni | TED – Video

Workers Rebuilding Communities in the Aftermath of Natural Disasters | Saket Soni | TED – Video

The Workers Rebuilding Communities After Natural Disasters | Saket Soni | TED

Saket Soni, a labor organizer, spends most of his time in disaster-stricken areas where thousands of families lose their homes overnight due to natural disasters. He represents the workers who come in to rebuild these homes. In a time where many of us have experienced loss of home due to climate disasters, economic upheaval, pandemics, wars, racial violence, social unrest, and a crisis in democracy, where does hope arise in the midst of pain?

Soni shares his journey of finding hope in the most unlikely of places – among migrant workers rebuilding communities after disasters. He highlights the resilience and dedication of these workers, often undocumented migrants from various countries. Despite facing challenges, they tirelessly rebuild homes, schools, hospitals, and entire cities, serving as the backbone of America’s recovery efforts after disasters.

Soni emphasizes the importance of creating new social cohesion and shared purpose in rebuilding communities post-disaster, turning moments of spontaneous interactions into lasting bonds. By understanding each other’s vulnerabilities, finding mutual value in helping one another, and staying present for each other long after the storm has passed, we can turn these miracles into lasting change. Towards the end of his talk, Soni introduces three migrant workers, Mariano, Bayliez, and Saul, who embody the hope and resilience of those rebuilding communities after disasters.

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Video “The Workers Rebuilding Communities After Natural Disasters | Saket Soni | TED” was uploaded on 05/13/2024 to Youtube Channel TED