United Nations General Assembly votes on draft resolution calling for Israel to cease “illegal occupation” of Gaza and West Bank | LIVE

United Nations General Assembly votes on draft resolution calling for Israel to cease “illegal occupation” of Gaza and West Bank | LIVE

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) is set to vote on a draft resolution put forth by the Palestinians, calling for Israel to end its “unlawful presence” in Gaza and the West Bank. The resolution is expected to spark a heated debate among member states, with strong opinions on both sides of the issue.

The draft resolution specifically targets Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories, referring to it as a violation of international law. The Palestinians argue that Israel’s presence in Gaza and the West Bank is illegal and must come to an end in order to achieve a lasting peace in the region.

Israel, on the other hand, has long maintained that its presence in these territories is necessary for security reasons. The Israeli government argues that it has the right to defend itself against attacks from Palestinian militant groups and that the occupation is a necessary measure to protect its citizens.

The vote on this resolution is likely to be closely watched by the international community, as it could have significant implications for the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It remains to be seen how member states will cast their votes and what the outcome of the vote will mean for the future of the region.

Overall, the UNGA’s decision on this draft resolution is expected to further highlight the deep divisions and complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is a crucial moment for both sides and for the international community as a whole, as they grapple with the difficult issues at hand.

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Video “UNGA votes on draft resolution demanding Israel end “unlawful presence” in Gaza, West Bank | LIVE” was uploaded on 09/18/2024 to Youtube Channel Global News