Join Jason and Nikki Wynn on their latest adventure to Samal Island in Mindanao, Philippines, in their video titled “Our Accidental Guide In the Philippines.” This dynamic couple is known for their curiosity-driven exploration of the world, and this video is no exception.
The Wynns take us on a journey filled with unexpected encounters, breathtaking landscapes, and immersive experiences. From visiting the Monfort Bat Cave to trying the Miracle Fruit and exploring a stunning waterfall playground, every moment is filled with wonder and discovery.
Throughout the video, Jason and Nikki embrace the local culture, talk to strangers, and immerse themselves in the beauty of Samal Island. They show us that getting off the grid, talking to strangers, and embracing alternative living can lead to the most treasured experiences and incredible adventures.
With their catamaran as their home and transportation, the Wynns embody self-reliance and sustainable living. They challenge conventional ideas of home and community, seeking freedom and inspiration in every experience.
So, join Jason and Nikki as they let curiosity be their guide and nature be their compass. Discover the beauty of Samal Island through their eyes and get inspired to cultivate curiosity in your own life. As the Wynns remind us, the key to unlocking life is curiosity, and the more we let it lead the way, the more we discover about ourselves and the world around us.
Watch the video by Gone with the Wynns
Video “Our Accidental Guide In The Philippines” was uploaded on 03/02/2025. Watch all the latest Videos by Gone with the Wynns on Gretopia
This is what i did when i was in the Navy and we pulled into port in Thailand or Singapore. rent a taxi for the day as a guide and explore! best adventures ever. Got to see The "Big Budda" while it was under construction before tours started.
The answer is Yes, I enjoyed it very much. Thank you. It is good to be with the locals and give back directly to the locals. Reminds me of how my mother was…. Thanks again.
boat update…sometime soon?
The tree memorials were so sweet and lovely and thoughtful.
Island time is the best time! You should definitely go back to the waterfall and spend the day.
When are you going to announce you are rejecting the boat?
The Golden Rule …"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” seems applicable. Another win for the Wynns. 🙂👍👍
This being only two weeks ago suggests a certain desperation for stuff to put out amid your boat troubles, and yet, voila! Just a nice day out with, no real plan, winging it, and putting together the best part of half an hour of great content! We know you guys are capable of organising amazing expeditions, with Discovery Channel production values, but sometimes all it takes is to go out in the world with a smile, zero atitude, respect for your fellow man and a pinch of curiosity; That is the good stuff.
Beautiful waterfalls.
Tia. Philippinos are nice Peoples… The lifedrive of them its inspiring.. cheers
Loved this trip ! Jason & Nikki thank you, you both bring Peace to my heart 💓
Remeber this, Filipinos rarely say NO. Most of the time they will say yes to any plan o invitation, even if later they don't show up. Part optimistic, part nice.
Nice video.
That was so fun! I love these little adventures in the places you travel, speaking with locals, your amazing captures on camera and oh my gosh the food! 😋 thank you!
This day helphelped me understand why my brother visits the Philippines for a month or two every year.
I’m sure you are as frustrated as everybody else you are not able to be sailing and exploring as you used to, but I appreciate your continuing to make good content
Cheers warren
I knew someone who with his entire family was on that plane crash. I talked to him the night before and he couldn't sleep because he was so excited for this vacation. Prayers for all the victims.
Water flowing through limestone causes the water to turn blue due to the calcium.
Sometime serendipity is the best guide. Keep the good stuff coming guys.
Why do we all speak in broken english when talking to someone who doesn't speak it well. 😂😂😂
Love your videos, they are always so informative and fun. Thank you.❤
love the P I
Special ‘rate’ for the tuctuc LOL.
Fun video. Thank you so much.
Don’t apologize. You are my Sunday destination. At 73 I get to enjoy your life with you. It’s nice especially on a lonely Sunday.
I was hoping to see Batman
Always good to win on a trip with the Wynns, you are both so positive despite the drama on Curiosity. You always bring a smile to my face.
Sometimes it’s fun to just wing it and see where it takes you when you’re exploring a new area.
Been to samal but dont know where to go. Thank you for the idea
The Philippines is a really special place with maybe the nicest people and many slightly different cultures. Bats are amazing, but the small can be very overwhelming! After not too long, it made me physically sick…but, you’re right, it’s not a terrible smell, it’s just so overwhelming 😂 if we got stuck someplace, I’d want it to be Phillipines!
Sometimes in life you don't need to always accomplish something,just enjoy it🎉🎉
These are my personal favorite type of video's you create. The sights and interactions with locals that I will never see or meet. Great content!
I think ur mental health would be better if u would get ur money back on that 1.5 million dollar lemon that h h built.
One of my Favorite episodes!
Just Like Vacations!
The "no plan" plan always makes for the best day. ❤❤
When we had to find 24/7 care for our mom so she could stay at home we went through a couple dozen caregivers, some good, some bad, but the three that stood out above all the rest were all Filipino. We called them the Angels. They were so great they even attended mom's funeral.
So good to see you out enjoying yourselves. Many years ago I had a filipina coworker and I adored her. So very friendly.
Legit love the drivers shirt pattern, on the trike to the bat cave. No wonder he was “flying” down that road. ❤😂
I have been following your adventures since episode ""Leaving Alaska and Getting Screwed".
Prayers for a quick return to your world on board….
7 kids! So that's what makes the water so blue.
At Carlsbad caverns New Mexico, you can watch the Mexican Freetail bats leave for the night and then if you go back in the morning before it gets light, you can hear them darting back into the cave. It was a unique experience.
You guys are just so chill and not like most tourists who can be very rude. Love your vibe be safe. I am Canadian !
Very interesting, thank you for all that you put in your videos. Never disappointed.
What a wild and unexpected day! Sometimes the best tour guide is the one who was never meant to be one. It was a lot of firsts for us and our driver Don. Have you ever had your taxi driver become your tour guide?
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