Bali Beach Overwhelmed by Trash in Viral Photos

Bali Beach Overwhelmed by Trash in Viral Photos

Travelers to Bali will be shocked to find their beloved beach of Kedonganan buried under tons of plastic garbage. 

For those who haven’t visited this natural wonder yet, this beach is located right next to Bali’s I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport.

In full disclosure, this is not the first time locals and visitors have seen their travel plans ruined due to such a phenomenon. 

However, Balinese people took to social media to report this is the biggest amount of marine trash they have seen in history.

But what is causing this now recurring trash avalanche? Local environment agency, Anak Agung Dalem has an answer. People have been carelessly littering Indonesian lands and throwing all types of garbage, such as plastic bottles and others, onto mountains and rivers. 

Then, when the monsoon rains and winds start between November and March, the swollen rivers sweep along debris, tons of plastic and even branches to the ocean. After that, it’s just a matter of time before it washes ashore onto the once-pristine beaches of Badung Regency. 

As per the latest news, local authorities have been busy trying to clean up the mess. Since March 18, more than 300 local employees and six excavators have been working nonstop to collect the garbage.

It is of great importance to speed up this process because trashy beaches are impacting both tourism and fishing businesses. Seeing their livelihoods at risk, fishermen have had to move to faraway areas, increasing production costs.

Bali’s Efforts To Reduce Plastic Pollution

Beaches covered with garbage are a problem that tends to increase over time.

To tackle this issue, Balinese authorities have developed 2 strategies. 

Firstly, Bali banned the production, use and distribution of single-use plastic in 2018. However, due to the pandemic, it didn’t really take off until 2022. 

Secondly, and probably the most important, is local education. For years, the government has struggled with residents carelessly polluting the lands, rivers and oceans of Bali.

To overcome this issue, officials have implemented environmental programs targeting communities and educational centers to teach locals about the negative impacts their negligent actions are having.

Committed to stopping Bali’s degradation, two local sisters started the “Bye Bye Plastic Bags (BBPB)” foundation in…

Read full article: Photos Of Bali Beach Buried Under Tons Of Trash Go Viral

The post “Photos Of Bali Beach Buried Under Tons Of Trash Go Viral” by Maria Valencia was published on 03/21/2024 by