“Polterheist” is a thrilling action movie that follows two gangsters who find themselves in a tight spot after accidentally murdering their boss. With a stash of drug money missing and only 72 hours to locate it, the criminals decide to kidnap a psychic medium in a desperate attempt to communicate with the deceased gang boss. However, their plan takes a sinister turn when they unintentionally unleash an evil spirit seeking vengeance.
Starring Jo Mousley, Sid Akbar Ali, and Jamie Cymbal, this action-packed film combines elements of mystery, crime, and comedy to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Directed by David Gilbank and written by David Gilbank, Gemma Head, and Paul Renhard, “Polterheist” offers a unique blend of genres that is sure to entertain viewers.
With a TV-MA rating, this exciting movie promises plenty of thrills and chills as the characters navigate through a dangerous game of cat and mouse. Fans of action, thriller, and mystery films are sure to enjoy the twists and turns of “Polterheist.”
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Video “POLTERHEIST 🎬 Exclusive Full Thriller Action Movie Premiere 🎬 English HD 2024” was uploaded on 05/13/2024 to Youtube Channel WATCH ACTION MOVIES NOW
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Sadam Idris Ahmed