“The Knight Bandit” is a gripping crime drama from 1981 directed by Jonathan Kaplan. The film stars Ralph Waite as a priest who finds himself wrongly accused of armed robbery by multiple eyewitnesses. As the mystery unfolds, the audience is taken on a thrilling journey of deceit, betrayal, and redemption.
The stellar cast also includes notable performances from actors such as Gene Hackman, Susan Anspach, and Peter Boyle. With a sharp screenplay written by David Ward, “The Knight Bandit” keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as the true perpetrator of the crime is slowly revealed.
Kaplan’s direction seamlessly combines elements of suspense and drama, creating a compelling film that leaves a lasting impact on its audience. “The Knight Bandit” is a must-watch for any cinephile looking for a thought-provoking crime thriller that challenges perceptions and keeps viewers guessing until the very end.
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Video “The Knight Bandit (1981 Crime) directed by Jonathan Kaplan, starring Ralph Waite” was uploaded on 05/22/2024 to Youtube Channel Cinéma Cinémas
Bon film les amis 😮
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