Plastic Surgery Doesn’t Define My Parenting Skills | HOOKED ON THE LOOK – Video

Plastic Surgery Doesn’t Define My Parenting Skills | HOOKED ON THE LOOK – Video

The video “Plastic Surgery Doesn’t Make Me A ‘Bad Mom’ | HOOKED ON THE LOOK” follows the story of Jen, a 31-year-old mom who loves plastic surgery and dressing in a trendy, sexy style. Despite facing judgment from other parents for being a “hot mom,” Jen remains confident in herself and her choices. She lives with her fiancé and their three kids, and her kids love her look as it makes them popular at school. However, her lifestyle has strained relationships with other family members and has led to accusations of being a ‘gold-digger’ due to her relationship with a man 12 years her senior. Jen’s confidence and determination to be herself, regardless of societal expectations, serve as an inspiration to viewers. The video sheds light on the importance of self-confidence and self-love, even in the face of criticism.

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I love getting plastic surgery because it makes me feel more confident a lot of women are jealous because they don’t have the confidence I have they love to say that I should not be doing this and I should not get my lips injected and it looks terrible and you’re a mom and I’m

Like who cares that I’m a mom moms are hot too like what so I had kids and I can’t be hot anymore like no way so I describe my style as very trendy I like to dress like the Young girls I just like to feel sexy that’s my

Vibe my name is Jen Ferguson I’m 31 years old I love that this top you can kind of do whatever you want with it but it’s fun to show a little bit of skin and a little cleavage I have been judged for wearing this and things like this I

Think their biggest problem is they think I’m a mom I have you know Sons I shouldn’t be showing this but come on we all have a chest we all have a body I have wanted to be a um since I can remember so that’s why I had Levi when I

Was 19 and now my second one is coming in my 30s exciting this is my Playboy bunny costume of this year I honestly think that a lot of women are jealous because they don’t have the confidence I have and confidence doesn’t mean that I’m So Into myself and everything it just means that

I’m confident in who I am and it took a lot of years to get here people either love or hate my style but I just roll with it I got my first cosmetic procedure which was my first boob job in 2015 one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life

Was to get these I love getting plastic surgery because it makes me feel more confident and you know some people disagree with that they say why would you do that that’s so vain but you know what I have insecurities just like probably all other women in the world

And for me if I’m able to afford it and I’m able to do it I you know do it with my childhood we struggled my mom was broke so we lived on food stamps um donations were huge and that’s why to this day I made sure that I’m going to

Work hard to give my son what he deserves this is Parker Lincoln and then Levi can you look at the camera and then this is my big baby right Steven I have two kids from my previous marriage Lincoln and Levi have been friends since um kindergarten so they’ve

Known each other for quite a long time so they get along really well all my friends have a huge crush on my mom like all of them I’m not even joking when I say this too sometimes she dresses like in clothes that are like like short like very

Short this is definitely a sweater that would definitely look like something a mom would wear if it was buttoned up you know what I mean so I have to get my own little twist to it but like honestly like I don’t care if she dressed and acted differently she’d be different

Than what she is now and I don’t want anything different than what she is now all right guys I’m going to clean up you head upstairs I think my stepmom Jen is pretty cool I don’t really get embarrassed of um what she puts on Tik

Tok I don’t really mind um honestly uh I I think it’s cool typically people’s reactions depend on their age it’s when we start hitting like 40 45 they love to say that I should not be doing this and I should not get my lips injected and it looks

Terrible and you’re a mom and I’m like who cares that I’m a mom moms are hot too like what so I had kids and I can’t be hot anymore like no way now we’re going to head to our favorite nail salon um we love to do stuff together on the weekends at least

One outing so this Salon has a bunch of chairs we’re all going to sit there and get our pedicures I do think that my lifestyle and my interests make me a better mom I think the kids are more likely to get bullied to have like a frumpy old not

Cool mom than they are to get bullied for having a cool young mom who tries to stay in with the trend you can’t really go wrong with having a cool mom haters motivate me they make me want to continue to blossom into the person that I am and if I’m confident mind your

Business that’s

Author Video Description


JEN from New York loves her ‘hot mom’ aesthetic, but she gets judged by other parents for dressing and acting inappropriately as a mom. Jen, 31, lives with her fiancé, Stephen, 43, and their three kids from previous relationships. The 31-year-old has also been called a ‘gold-digger’ for being with a man 12 years her senior; she loves plastic surgery and looking hot, and Stephen is happy to fund this lifestyle. Her kids love her look as it makes them more popular at school but has put a strain on relationships with other family members. The mom – and stepmom – has also dabbled in OnlyFans, but she pulled away when fans began demanding too much…

Videographer: Marcus Cooper
Producers: Yasmin Walker, Nathalie Bonney, Milly Martin, Kim Nguyen
Editor: Hailey Wang

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Video “Plastic Surgery Doesn’t Make Me A ‘Bad Mom’ | HOOKED ON THE LOOK” was uploaded on 03/29/2024 to Youtube Channel truly