Shedding 190lbs Strengthened My Marriage | A Fresh Start – Video

Shedding 190lbs Strengthened My Marriage | A Fresh Start – Video

The video “Losing 190lbs Made My Marriage Stronger | BRAND NEW ME” tells the inspiring story of Sarah, a fitness influencer and online coach who struggled with obesity since childhood. Consuming fast food three times a day, seven days a week, Sarah’s weight peaked at 371lbs. Concerned for her health, her husband Caleb gently encouraged her to make a change. This was the wake-up call Sarah needed to embark on a weight loss journey. With the help of a nutritionist, trainer, and eventually undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, Sarah shed an impressive 190lbs. Her newfound energy and confidence not only transformed her physically but also strengthened her relationship with Caleb. Now able to enjoy new experiences together, Sarah feels more connected to her husband than ever before. Through her story, Sarah inspires others to embrace a healthier lifestyle and prioritize self-care. The video showcases not only Sarah’s remarkable physical transformation but also the emotional growth and newfound happiness that accompanies her journey towards a brand new version of herself.

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Ever since I was a child I’ve dealt with obesity when I met Caleb I had the pallet of a 5-year-old I was eating fast food three times a day 7 days a week I do think that my weight has affected our relationship over the years there was a

Point where he did come to me and was like I want you here for a long Time God I was like I’m done with this and I started making changes at my heaviest I weighed 371 lb losing 190 lb made my marriage stronger than ever you’re beautiful thank you so I used to eat two large Cokes a large fry and a small fry two double

Cheeseburgers a strawberry cream pie because you have to have dessert and I would eat this two to three times a day ever since I was a child I’ve dealt with obesity I was always the biggest kid amongst all of my friends my eating habits were about the same up until I

Was about 26 years old I had the palette of a 5-year-old I was eating fast food probably three times a day 7 days a week vegetables literally used to make me gag I used to hate lettuce but since like my taste buds have changed I love

The crunch of lettuce I honestly kind of prefer a lettuce bun than like a bread bun sometimes when I met Caleb I was about eight or nine and as I was my entire childhood I was an obese kid it’s never seemed to bother him so good thank you I agree really

Good we have been together for 15 years now Sarah was always heavier even when we did first meet at the same time it wasn’t really something that I ever looked that wasn’t something I really cared about for me it was always just her personality and who she was that I

Fell in love with I do think that my weight has affected our relationship over the years there were a lot of times we didn’t go do things with our friends and it was because of my size while he never made me feel bad about my weight

Ever in any regard there was a point where he did come to me and just was like Hey I’m a little concerned about you like I want you here for a long time um God one of the first times I really realized was when we were out every time

We were like walking somewhere she would try to find somewhere to sit down as soon as we had the opportunity to and it wasn’t very long distances or anything like that and I was like hey maybe this isn’t like the best thing I really want

You to be here forever like this is a concern of mine it was kind of a real ity check I got a trainer in March of 2021 and she finally got me to step on the scale again and that was the highest I had ever weighed it was 371 lb and

That feeling of like why can’t I just get it together there was so much guilt and shame in that and that was like my light bulb moment that I was like I’m I’m done with this I cannot go through this again I had had a few of my primary

Care doctors recommend weight loss surgery but I knew that bariatric surgery is only a tool and I really needed to change my habits before I actually had the surgery so that’s when I buckled down with my trainer I sought the help of a nutritionist and I started making changes over about a 6-month

Period And I lost 50 lbs the surgery to me was like almost the prize you’ve put in all this work you’ve really changed your habits now let’s get the surgery so that you can continue this journey long term at my heaviest I weighed 371 lb it

Took me about 2 years to lose 190 lb exercising makes me feel like a million bucks I always know that the end result is that I’m going to feel great about myself and I’m going to feel accomplish and that’s what pushes me to keep coming I saw a huge difference in

Her determination as soon as you started being more consistent in the gym everything about her just changes just becomes super bubbly she walks in and it’s like a it’s just her happy Place Caleb and I are going out for date night tonight so I got to pick out something this is the dress I used to wear when I was at my heaviest this was actually tight on me I think that this now would probably fit me like a potato

Sack it would swallow me it’s weird to not see myself as this person there’s so much smaller I’m just in disbelief cuz I I really haven’t looked at them side by side like this it’s crazy I don’t even have like the words to describe how much my life has changed

Because my weight loss from my foods to my my literal career I’m not on health and fitness coach now and it’s truly been one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had because I get to teach these people how to do kind of the same thing that I did

I have had so many people reach out to me that are literally just like I’m choosing you because you get it because you have been in my shoes you’ve been exactly where I’m at and getting to watch other people do that same thing in real time is so so amazing how has your

Weight loss changed your relationship for the better I feel like we already had such a strong relationship but just the way that we have been able to bond with each other through these new experiences little things like we take the dogs for a walk we go to the gym

Together a lot as opposed to before where I feel like most of our bonding was sitting and watching TV truly I feel so connected to him in ways that I never Imagined you’re beautiful thank you give me a spin looking back on my journey the past few years I am like incredibly proud of myself I am really proud of how this new body can move and how much more I am able to do without the barrier of being

Overweight I just get to continue to be on this fitness journey and just push my body to new heights I think your transformation is truly amazing I think just where she’s come over the past couple years has just been incredible I think things that she’s accomplished the people that she’s

Been able to inspire and to be able to help is just mindblowing so I I couldn’t be more proud if I could say anything to my former self I would tell myself to just be kinder to yourself the past 3 years I’ve accomplished way more than I ever

Thought that I could and than I ever have in the past 28 years that I’ve been alive I’ve always wanted her to just be as happy as the best person she can be just seeing the difference between what she was like back then versus now is

Truly night and day she just has a glow about that she didn’t have before and just seem so much happier with her life

Author Video Description


FITNESS influencer and online coach Sarah had “the palate of a five-year-old” until the age of 26 – and her weight sky-rocketed as a result. At one point Sarah was eating fast food “three times a day, seven days a week” and would not touch vegetables. Childhood sweetheart Caleb stood by her through it all, but when he started to notice Sarah becoming breathless from merely walking he intervened out of love – telling her: “I really want you to be here forever, this is a concern of mine.” Shortly after, Sarah tipped the scales at 371lbs – her heaviest weight ever – and the combination was the “reality check” she needed to set out on her weight loss journey. Taking on the help of a nutritionist and gym trainer, Sarah put in place incremental changes that amounted to a loss of 50lbs, before having gastric sleeve surgery in 2021. Since then, she has maintained her healthy lifestyle and lost an incredible 190lbs in total. Now 28, Sarah’s diet has been transformed as she has banished her fear of vegetables – but her relationship with now-husband Caleb has been the real winner. Armed with a new body, energy and self-confidence, Sarah is now able to enjoy all that married life with Caleb has to offer: “Just the way that we have been able to bond with each other through new experiences – truly, I feel so connected to him in ways that I never imagined.”

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Videographer: Michael Darling
Producers: Courtney Buabeng, Tom Buckman, Kim Nguyen  
Editor: Vanessa Nascimento

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Video “Losing 190lbs Made My Marriage Stronger | BRAND NEW ME” was uploaded on 03/23/2024 to Youtube Channel truly