The Top Food to Avoid for Heart Health (Hint: It’s Not Sugar) – Video

The Top Food to Avoid for Heart Health (Hint: It’s Not Sugar) – Video

The video titled The #1 Worst Food for Your Heart (HINT: It’s Not Sugar) discusses the primary driver of heart disease that is not trans fats, which have been largely banned. The food that takes the top spot for destroying the arteries is revealed to be seed oil, often labeled as vegetable oil. Seed oil is found in many ultra-processed foods and is commonly used in cooking, salad dressings, and condiments. The video explains that seed oil is highly inflammatory and increases the risk of heart disease and death, even though it is often promoted as heart-healthy. The harmful effects of seed oil on the body are attributed to its high unsaturated fatty acid content, making it susceptible to oxidation. The video also reviews several flawed studies that claim the heart-healthy benefits of seed oil, offering counter-arguments and evidence to debunk these claims. The speaker encourages viewers to become more aware of the foods they consume, read labels, and choose healthier alternatives to seed oil to protect their heart health. The video emphasizes the importance of raising awareness and making informed choices to avoid consuming seed oil.

Watch the video by Dr. Eric Berg DC

Author Video Description

Let’s talk about the worst food for your heart—surprisingly, it’s not sugar!

Previous Video on The #1 Worst Food for Your Heart (HINT: It’s Not Sugar):


0:00 Introduction: What is the worst food for your heart?
1:00 LDL cholesterol explained
1:53 What is metabolic syndrome?
4:30 Seed oils explained
6:10 Studies on seed oils
8:00 Alternatives and what to avoid
9:00 Omega-6 fatty acids vs. omega-3 fatty acids
10:58 Learn more about trans fats!

In this video, we’re going to talk about the absolute worst food for your heart! Here are some of the side effects:
•Primary driver of heart disease
•Creates inflammation inside the arteries
•Consumption directly correlates with heart disease
•Creates oxidative LDL inside your arteries
•Increases the risk of developing metabolic syndrome
•Causes lipid peroxidation
•Increases the risk of clotting
•Creates oxidative stress

This food is an industrial product that is heated five times, contains added chemicals, and is devoid of anything living at all. The food we’re talking about is seed oil!

Vegetable oil is one of the most commonly used seed oils and isn’t really made of vegetables at all. Seed oils are generally composed of corn, cottonseed, canola, or soy oil.

Vegetable oil is an unsaturated fatty acid, so it’s very unstable and susceptible to oxidation. Light, air, oxygen, and temperature can all cause seed oils to oxidize.

Seed oils are in so many of our foods. They’re used in cooking but also used in salad dressings, condiments, and in almost all ultra-processed foods.

Most of the information available to the public tells us that polyunsaturated fatty acids (seed oils/PUFAs) are not bad for us.

Two popular studies on PUFAs are The Finnish Mental Hospital Study and The Los Angeles Veterans Administration Study. Both of these studies have several flaws. They weren’t randomized, and there were many other variables, like participants on medications and those who smoked.

Check labels to avoid seed oil consumption. Condiments and salad dressings often contain seed oils, so opt for versions without, or you can even make your own. Use butter, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, and lard for cooking instead of seed oils.

Seed oils are too high in omega-6 fatty acids. Typically, you want a 1:1 ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. When omega-6 fatty acids are too high, it can cause inflammation and other issues.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about the harmful effects of seed oils. I’ll see you in the next video.

Let’s talk about the number one worst food for your heart hint it’s not sugar I did a video on this before but the problem is the food that I talked about before um it’s not really in the average person’s diet nearly as much as it used

To be and that was trans fats trans fats are really bad for us but they ban that so if we take away trans fats what do you think would be the food that would be the top of the list as far as destroying that inside of that artery so

Let’s see if you can guess and get it right okay number one it’s a primary driver of heart disease it creates potent in massive inflammation inside your arteries and also this food is directly correlated as far as the consumption and introduction into our food supply and the exact statistics of

Getting heart disease I mean they’re on the same Trend going up another thing that this food does very specifically to the inside of your arteries is it creates what’s called oxidative LDL now let me just explain what that means now maybe you’ve heard that LDL is the bad

Cholesterol but really the LDL is not bad until it gets modified it changes this particular ingredient that I’m going to tell you about in a minute goes into that LDL and it modifies it and it makes it so it can penetrate inside the artery wall and start the

Cascade of damage and it’s this repetitive chronic consumption of this thing that keeps this irritation or inflammation uh going then you have a casca of problems like uh incomplete healing with proteins and cholesterol till the point where you’re developing this plaque and that can break off Etc

But it really starts with this oxidative LDL this food also increases the risk of getting metabolic syndrome what is that that’s a combination of several things uh low HDL High glycerides high blood glucose belly fat and also High fasting insulin and insulin resistance now I will say there’s certain studies that

Will show that consuming this food lowers the cholesterol okay so you might think oh that’s a good thing but at the same time it increases the risk of developing heart disease as well as increasing the risk of dying from heart disease I’m going to put all that data

Down below now it also causes lipid peroxidation now what does that mean well think about oxidation is something going rancid something like rusting something and damaging it out but also this substance goes into the membranes of your cells okay not just the arteries but other tissues too in the retina it

Can go into the brain cells it can create a lot of problems one of the secondary uh compounds that’s created I’m not going to get into the long name but it’s called hn which which is a very very toxic thing and that can create neuro degeneration cancer heart disease like

We already mentioned and inflammation now if we compare 2010 to 2013 there’s been an increase of this by 135 a so that’s a major increase in our bodies this particular food is made with similar machines that they make petroleum products from it’s like an industrial product and it’s in our food

Chain big time they heat it at least five times they run it through this uh very toxic solvent called hexane to extract it and isolate it so there’s chemicals added there’s bleach added there’s other things to take the odor out so basically it’s void of anything living at all it’s

Also been known to increase clotting it creates major oxidative stress which basically is a is a combination between High oxidation that rancidity that rusting out and low antioxidants and by the way this oxidative LDL there’s really two main ways to lower it one is it decreases food which I’m just about

To tell you right now but number two is to decrease smoking that’s right smoking okay so let me reveal what this is you ready for this seed oil seed oil now you may have heard of vegetable oils right like this right here I if you can see this

Vegetable oils they have pictures of vegetables right here right this does not come from vegetables right vegetable oil is really seed oil it’s from corn canola it’s from cotton seed they make it from soy and what’s really wild about this is that this oil is an unsaturated

Fatty acid which means means it’s very very unstable it’s susceptible to oxidation which I just mentioned especially to light air or oxygen temperature so here we have this product that’s not in a dark bottle and you can heat it the problem is that this has already been oxidized because it’s been

Processed so it’s a highly inflammatory food and we use this in a lot of foods okay not just in cooking but in salad dressings in our favorite products like this in literally all of the ultra processed foods it’s unfortunate now because if you’re cooking at home and

You’ve been watching any of my videos you probably are using like either butter or coconut oil avocado oil or olive oil right but when you go to a restaurant they’re going to use cheap oils to cook with now I also looked at some research that said that uh this

Polyunsaturated fatty acid Aid which is high in omega-6 is not bad for us right and I found a few studies that talked about that and I want to kind of just dissect them because uh the first study I want to talk about it’s called the finish uh mental hospital study and this

Basically supported this theory that this unsaturated oil is heart healthy right but there’s several flaws in this study they actually remove the trans fat and so that leads to the question uh was it because you removed the trans fats or you added this we don’t know also it

Wasn’t randomize you had people that smoked people that didn’t you had people on medications people with high blood pressure so there’s just too many flaws in that study so just want to take a little break and tell you thank you so much for subscribing I really appreciate

All of my subscribers and even those that don’t subscribe but the problem is even though you might subscribe to my channel only 1% of all of my subscribers get notified so I would really appreciate it’s not going to take much effort to press that Bell if you subscribe if you haven’t subscribed

Subscribe and then press that Bell as well so that way you can continue to get this uh I think really important information let’s look at another study Los Angeles Veterans Administration study so with this one it showed that it decreased the cholesterol by 133% but no significant impact on heart attack and

Sudden death so for this one it doesn’t say it it improved the heart it said there was no significant difference but it wasn’t randomized so you have these groups that some smoked some didn’t some people drank some people didn’t so if someone smoked for example they’re going

To eat up their vitamin E and that’s going to put them more at risk for getting uh heart problems but I’m going to put a good amount of research Down Below on more of a randomized control studies that you could see that give you um more um proof that this is damaging

So I really think this is an easy problem to solve it’s just an awareness thing reading labels don’t consume these oils instead of using some type of typical salad dressing find one that doesn’t have it you’re probably just going to have to use olive oil or some other type of dressing also the

Condiments right you have to find a condiment that doesn’t have the soy oil it’s in mayonnaise it’s in a lot of different sauces and also when you cook I would use olive oil butter coconut oil avocado oil uh lard so as you can see there’s a lot of problem

With this unsaturated fatty acid it’s very very unstable it’s not like saturated fats that are stable that are very difficult to break up this stuff right here is highly susceptible to becoming damaged and then creating oxidation and so in the family of U unsaturated fatty acids you have two

Different main categories you have the Omega 6 six fatty acids and then you have the omega-3 fatty acids so this would be mainly Omega 6 right and we want like a one:1 ratio but the problem is when you get into canola oil and some of these other highly processed seed

Oils that’s like a 311 to1 ratio right very heavy on the Omega 6 but in America the ratio of Omega 6 to omega3 is roughly anywhere between 10 to 1 to 20 to1 very heavy on the Omega 6 and even in certain parts of

The world it can get up to like 50 to1 so you have this massive amount of omega-6 that’s kind of evading our cell membranes creating all sorts of inflammation Not Just In Our arteries but also going into the retina of the eye so if someone tells you that this

Oil is not a problem for our bodies it’s fresh no it’s not it’s badly processed and this introduction into our bodies is directly correlated with heart disease so here’s the problem Omega 6 and omega-3 are competitive which means that you’re going to have to get this Omega 6

Seed oils out of the diet and replace with omega-3 which is from the fish oils the cod liver oil you’re going to get more of it when you have grass-fed meat but we want to start increasing this omega3 to counter the effects of the

Omega 6 now I don’t want to get into the history of this but wow we just did a whole switch and we replaced saturated fats with seed oils thinking that was a smart move it was not a smart move now people are waking up it’s Insidious it crept into a

Lot of our different foods and no wonder we’re having so many problems I think one of the mistakes early on was because it lowered cholesterol we assumed it was good for the heart and so it was promoted widely before any human studies were done in the beginning it’s in baby

Food it’s in infant formula I mean they just put in everything now in the first video that I did on trans fats even though it’s not a main problem in our diet they still stick it in from various ways and they sneak it in there uh I think it’d be very smart

To watch that video I will put that up right here check it out

Video “The #1 Worst Food for Your Heart (HINT: It's Not Sugar)” was uploaded on 01/11/2024 to Youtube Channel Dr. Eric Berg DC