White House Reporter Gets Surprise Visit from Bird – Video

White House Reporter Gets Surprise Visit from Bird – Video

preparing to report on the latest political developments when a bold bird decided to make an unexpected appearance. As Meyer stood in front of the White House ready to deliver her report, the feathered friend swooped down and landed right on her head, causing a moment of commotion and amusement.

The surprising and lighthearted moment was caught on camera and quickly went viral, with viewers around the world enjoying the unexpected interruption. Despite the unexpected interruption, Meyer remained composed and professional, continuing on with her report as the bird perched on her head.

The video serves as a reminder that even in the most serious and high-pressure situations, there is always room for a bit of unexpected joy and humor. And in this case, it came in the form of a curious bird making a bold landing on a White House reporter’s head.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “Bird Lands on White House Reporter’s Head” was uploaded on 06/06/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition